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Event Title
Date and Time
Feeding the Troops this year looks to be a monumental task with an expected 800+ meals. This will be All-Hands-On-Deck to accomplish this mission. Get your teams ready!
All meats and beans will be provided to the teams for the competition. Remember to bring extra coolers if you got’em.
For this event, the following competition rules have been put in place:
• Teams must be members of the VFW, Auxiliary or sponsored by such.
• Teams are required to bring their pits, all necessary equipment and seasonings.
• Teams will be responsible for cooking the provided brisket, chicken, sausage and beans.
• There will be no judging for this event, each team to receive 250 points provided they meet the above requirements.
Join the VFW by meeting two requirements: honorable service in the U.S. Armed Forces and participation in operations on foreign soil or hostile waters. Eligibility can be verified through campaign medals, Hostile Fire Pay, or service in Korea. For family members of eligible veterans, the VFW Auxiliary provides a membership option.

The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) is proud to announce the launch of its inaugural gaming league, Combat Tested Gaming. Working alongside veteran-owned KC Crew, this landmark initiative provides a new platform for veterans to hone their gaming skills while building camaraderie with other members of the veteran community.
Texas VFW Events
The Department of Texas VFW hosts several large events throughout the Year. We welcome all event vendors who have a specific focus on the welfare of veterans and specifically our members. If you would like to be a vendor at any of our Department held events, please read through this page and see the schedule of events throughout the year.
The vendor booth area has limited spacing and payment is required as soon as possible following your application approval. Non-payment will result in denial of your vendor application and the space will be provided to the next party on the vendor waitlist.
• Vendor Booth Space – $800
• Add Electricity – $150**
** Electricity charges are based upon rates provided by the event venue and may be subject to change after coordinating any specific needs you may have.
Discounted Rates
If you are a good standing VFW member, own your own business and would like to be a vendor, a special discount rate is available. We will work directly with you after the Vendor Application is approved.
Vendor Rates
For our larger State Convention and Mid-Winter Conference, there are 2 1/2 days of full events/sessions that require a vendor to be available at their booth. See more information within the Vendor Guidelines section regarding attendance requirements and tentative schedule. Approved vendors for our OTS and Homecoming events will receive a separate event schedule based on availability.
Event Information
Vendor booth spaces are limited and vary by event. All vendors are required to complete the Vendor Application Form prior to approval being confirmed. All applications are processed as first-come, first-serve.
Vendors will receive (1) 6’ skirted table with 2 chairs as a standard booth.
Vendor Guidelines:
• The Department of Texas will not be responsible for any merchandise left on the tables at any time.
• Any merchandise to be sold from the table must be approved in advance by the Department of
• Any exhibitor caught selling unauthorized merchandise will be subject to forfeiture of their vendor
space with no refund of the vendor fee.
• Table location and hours of operation will be provided prior to the event.
• Games of chance or machines costing to play WILL NOT be allowed.
• Vendors who tear down early without prior approval, will not be approved for future events.
• Vendors who do not show up after requesting a table will not be approved for future events.
Vendor Cancellations:
• We request if you need to cancel less that one (1) week before the event—please let us know as
soon as possible.
• Cancellation less than one (1) week before the event will result in forfeiture of the rental fee.
Vendor Attendance
Vendors are required to have their table ready prior to the conference Start time of Thursday (first day) at 8:00am. Below is Conference vendor booth schedule.
• Wednesday – Vendor Table Setup any time after 5:00pm
• Thursday – Vendor Table Setup 7:00am, Table Hours 8:00am to 4:00pm
• Friday – Vendor Table Hours 8:00am to 4:00pm
• Saturday – Vendor Table Hours 8:00am to 12:00pm
• Vendor Table Breakdown 12:00pm
If circumstances arise and your vendor booth must be broken down prior the convention end time, you are required to notify the Department Secretary. Any prior break down will be taken into account for future vendor event participation.
Vendor Guidelines
Join the VFW by meeting two requirements: honorable service in the U.S. Armed Forces and participation in operations on foreign soil or hostile waters. Eligibility can be verified through campaign medals, Hostile Fire Pay, or service in Korea. For family members of eligible veterans, the VFW Auxiliary provides a membership option.